London East Diocesan Association
Host District Deputies for every degree must complete exemplification degree report form 450. The host DD must complete and submit one for each degree (1, 2 or 3) to Supreme and State office. Only submit one form per degree and do not combine multiple degrees on one form (submit 1 form per degree).
Admission "1st" degrees:
1) Your Council's Constitutional Roll book (for Initiation degree)
2) K of C lapel pin (for each new candidate)
3) K of C rosary (for each new candidate)
4) How to pray the rosary phamphlet (recommended for each new candidate)
5) The book titled "These Men called Knights" (for each new candidate)
6) Phamphlet titled "Shining Armor Award" (recommended for each new candidate)
​7) K of C membership travel card (1st degree) & must be pre-signed by FS & GK (for each new candidate) except,
if a formation degree is combined with the admission degree then just bring the 2nd degree card.
Note: An SO-37 form is not required for the admission degree.
Formation "2nd" degrees:
Member to bring his 1st degree membership card.
Council needs to bring:
1) K of C membership travel card (2nd degree) & must be pre-signed by FS & GK (for each candidate)
2) Ontario State SO-37 degree participation form completed & must be pre-signed by GK or FS
Knighthood "3rd" degrees:
Member to bring his 1st degree membership card.
Council needs to bring:
1) K of C membership travel card (2nd degree) & must be pre-signed by FS & GK (for each candidate)
2) Ontario State SO-37 degree participation form completed & must be pre-signed by GK or FS
Each council with candidates are encouraged to bring many members to witness & welcome their new member.
There is no need to bring form 100s to the admission degree. The degree team is not responsible to email them to Supreme office.